All the bags we sell are replicas which means they were not made by the original brand owner. However, we go to great lengths to replicate our bags using almost all of the same materials (in most cases all the same materials) used to make the originals so that our replicas look and feel the same as the originals but cost a lot less!
You can rest assured that if you buy one of our replica designer bags no one will be able to notice that it is anything less than an original.
We currently accept payment via one of the following options:
Visa / Mastercard:
Western Union:
Bank Transfer
We offer a 15% discount on all orders paid via Western Union,Bank transfer,MoneyGram
We offer a 10% discount on all orders paid by credit / debit cards
For more information on the forms of payment we accept, please Contact Us
Generally our items arrive within 7-10 days of purchase to any destination around the world.
When you purchase an item, we will contact you within 48 hours of placing your order to provide you with a tracking number. This is why it is so important to provide accurate contact information, especially phone numbers and email addresses. If you are not at home when the item is delivered, the courier will leave a notice and you can then go and collect your package at the nearest post office.
We guarantee our shipment, which means we promise that the item you ordered will arrive undamaged, in a timely manner, to your home. If for any reason your product does not arrive, please contact our staff and we will investigate the matter for you, then we will reship the item at no cost to you.
If you don't find enjoy on site, please email us to let us know which item you would like us to carry and we will consider it and you may see it on our site very soon.
We guarantee the following:
All our replica items are made with almost all the same materials as the originals in most cases all the same materials.
All our replica items are perfectly identical to the original: we include serial numbers, labels, care cards, dust bags, all engravings and stickers.
All the accessories you would expect will come with your item.
The photos of our products on our site are a random sample from our stock.
The item you will receive will be true to the photo displayed on the site, because all of our photographs are of the actual items we sell.
All our packages will arrive within 7-10 days by express courier, undamaged and on time.
We accept all of our products for a full refund within seven days of receipt.
Above all, we guarantee your satisfaction. We stand behind our products; from the high quality materials specifically used to produce them, to the dedicated design team that reproduces your favorite luxury designs, to the impeccable manufacturing standards we uphold, we are proud of our catalog.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to click the Contact Us button provided at the bottom of the page to get in touch with one of our customer service agents.
Of course you can, our products are a point of pride for us: if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return it to us by courier and we will offer you a refund or an exchange.
To be eligible for a refund or replacement, we simply ask that you contact us to let us know that you wish to return an item to us within 30 days of receiving your return information. The item (s) you wish to return must be new, unworn and all accessories must be returned along with the item.
To start this process, simply contact one of our employees by clicking the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page and we will be happy to help.